Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
"That Yellow One Was So Awesome!"
Posted by The Cass Crew 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Just Call Us The Cass Crew Mechanic's....
Well, my car broke down last Friday night, on my way home from dinner! Of course, it was late, like 11:30pm. Tatum was with me, and Richard was working. After being rescued off the side of the road, near some 'not-so-nice' apartments, having my car towed 1.5 miles to my house for $50, and ordering a part that took more days to arrive than expected, Richard attempted to change the Crankshaft Position Censor today! First off, it's hotter than heck outside! Second of all, it was NOT where he was told it was, under the car! It was in a heck of a place!! So, I had to help!! I did some great things, to move it along and get it done! Smaller hands were a must with this part!! I will say, he did most of the work, but I looked just as dirty and greasy as he did when it was all said and done! We got it in, he tried starting the car....and IT WORKS!!! WhooHooo! Being without a car for this whole week has been killing me!! So, like my title suggests, Just Call Us The Cass Crew Mechanic's!!
Posted by The Cass Crew 1 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Things She Come's Up With...
Random picture, but I didn't want to post a blog without a picture, so I came across this picture from last summer at my cousin, Gail's, surprise birthday party. There was a karaoke machine there, and Tatum who barely would talk in front of people at the time, was up there mumbling along to the song playing! It was so cute!!
But, that was not why I got on here to post.
Tonight, while asking Tatum to do something, she made me CRACK up!! I can't even remember what I asked her to do, but obviously she was not doing it in a timely manner. She said to me..."OK, OK Mama....sita!!" WHAT? I was cracking up. "What did you call me?" I asked? "Mama...sita" She is so funny! So, later on, I asked her what my name was, she said "Mamasita!" (If that is even how you spell it! If that is even a real word!!) I know that I call my mom that joking around sometimes, and my sister says it too, but I never really thought that Tatum was picking up on that phrase too! She is so silly, and soaks up everything that is said and done around her!!!
Posted by The Cass Crew 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Our Little Fish....
This was her "Welcome to Daddy's world" throw! Richard finally feels comfortable throwing her across the pool, like he does with all the other kids in the family! She wasn't so sure about it though!
And, for those of you who didn't know.....My Husband is a DORK!! You just gotta love the goggles that are 10 sizes too small! But, he had to wear them anyway!!!Posted by The Cass Crew 2 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
Slip-n-Slide Fun....
We went out and got Tatum a new Slip-n-Slide today. I really think it was more for Richard. Tatum did suggest we get the "double" so that her and Daddy could RACE! They are out there right now having races. Tatum gets the yellow side and Daddy gets the orange. They were also playing "fumble" with the soccer ball, on the Slip-n-Slide! I am sure this will allow for hours of fun! Sorry Mom, I know you think that this is the most dangerous thing Richard could do...are you forgetting his profession!?!?
Posted by The Cass Crew 2 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Swimming Pool Fun....
This weekend after both of Tatum's Tball games, we went over to Aunt Hope's house to swim. Tatum was "scared to go under" yesterday, but today, she was ready to go! She was jumping off the side, swimming across the pool to her daddy, and having tons of fun! We are so excited that summer is here and we are able to go swimming everyday! I can't wait to see my little "Coppertone Baby"...I just LOVE her tan lines!!!!
Posted by The Cass Crew 2 comments